When Help How To results in Help How Not To
I love this one!
I remember years ago when my instructor in assembly language pointed out that one article on how to detect and combat computer viruses produced a contrary result: it instead taught how to create viruses - the very thing that it attempted to destroy.
However, this one thing that is freely available in the web - I kinda endorse sites like this: a would-be suicidal person looks for 'how-to' on carrying out the suicide, but finds help instead. Now that's something!
Read on...
'Suicide' Internet search turns up 'how to' advice: study
PARIS - People searching the Internet for information about suicide methods are more likely to find sites encouraging suicide than those offering help or support, according to a study released Friday.
Researchers from the Universities of Bristol, Oxford and Manchester found that nearly half of websites showing up in queries of the four top search engines gave "how to" advice on taking one's own life.
Only 13 percent, by contrast, focused on suicide prevention or offered support, while another 12 percent actively discouraged suicide.
Previous studies have shown that media reporting of suicide and its portrayal on television influence suicidal behaviour, particularly the choice of method used, but little is known about the impact of the Internet.
The same set of search terms were fed into Google, Yahoo, MSN, and Ask.
The researchers then analysed the first ten sites from each search, giving a total of 480 hits.
Just under half of the sites provided some information about methods of suicide, while almost a fifth were for dedicated suicide sites, half of them actively encouraging, promoting, or facilitating the taking of one's life.
Overall, Google and Yahoo retrieved the highest number of dedicated suicide sites, whereas MSN had the highest number of prevention or support sites and academic or policy sites.
"How to" sites are not illegal in most countries, and are not often caught by search engine filters. - AFP/fa
From ChannelNewsAsia.com; source article is below:'Suicide' Internet search turns up 'how to' advice: study
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