Poor driving or poor manners?
This is one of those areas where the difference in the sexes is highlighted or played down. Man or woman, anger is a problem. And road rage? Even more a deadly expression... errhh... I won't say that again. It is something that shouldn't be expressed while on ramming machine speeding at 100kmph.
Time for some diversion.
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Women are calmer drivers? Not when I'm behind the wheel
Time for some diversion.
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Women are calmer drivers? Not when I'm behind the wheel
Road rage is just as much a problem for mums as it is for dads
"Calm down," I mutter, as I ease my car between the bus lane and the fat SUV that's trying to force me into it.
"Calm down," I repeat, as the traffic light turns green but I can't move because there's an idiot in a van blocking the junction.
"Calm down!" I shriek, as another idiot in a BMW, who knows he's in the wrong lane but reckons he can carve me up, edges forward.
Invariably, the mantra wears a bit thin about half an hour into my morning commute.
By the time I arrive at work, my blood is fairly fizzing. You see, I'm not very good at handling road rage.
So, I find it hard to believe that women are statistically less likely to succumb to road rage than men.
However, a survey this week of children aged between five and 16 found more than half think they have a calmer, safer journey when their mother is driving.
Fathers are accused of being more aggressive and driving too fast.
This, despite the fact that seven out of 10 children said their mothers were more likely to stall the car when pulling away from a junction, and 64 per cent claimed that reverse parking was beyond Mummy's capabilities. Ouch.
Most of the children questioned about road rage won't realise that low speed doesn't always equate to safety (few adults seem to get this point, either).
At least men know they're carving you up. Women, generally, have no idea of the chaos they're leaving behind.
It's not that we're less intelligent than men - and we're certainly more capable of multi-tasking. It seems we just can't be bothered.
Take that puerile "Baby on Board" sticker, for example.
You know the one: It makes you want to jump out at the lights, knock on the window and say: "I was about to ram your car from behind, but thank goodness I saw the sticker."
How many men would display that sign?
Mothers aren't any calmer behind the wheel than fathers - they're simply more subtle. Instead of shouting and swearing, we silently seethe, and enact our revenge in more elegant ways (unless you're my friend Jo, whose child's first words, picked up after months of her driving, were "****ing moron").
Instead of shouting at Mr Carve-You-Up, a canny woman will beat him away from the lights, thus forcing him to drop in behind, then briefly slow down to make her point.
She will inch up alongside the SUV that is hogging her space because the driver has no lane discipline, thus alarming him/her into shifting back into the right lane.
Far more satisfying than a list of expletives.
Given that road rage affects both sexes - but in rather different ways - the real cause for concern should be the behaviour that incites it.
That's "poor driving", not "poor manners".
Road hogs take note.
Lifted from TODAY, Commentary - Friday, 30-April-2010
Women are calmer drivers? Not when I'm behind the wheel
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