Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No Hate Posts

Image representing Blogger as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

About 2 years ago, I put up my blog in, after my friend told me of putting up one, as a means of expressing my thoughts, an alter ego. At that time, although I have been hearing and seeing, and actually reading his blog and some others, I didn't really take it into heart as something that I should urgently do. I delayed some more days, more weeks, before I finally put up one.

A novice in this new arena, I simply just collected some stray thoughts, posted it, and let time slip before the next log was posted. When I picked up on the frequency of my posts, and with every log I post, I am reminded that my blog is open to everybody, to anybody, who would search, dig, or stumble upon it, with the technology and miracle of the World Wide Web.

What did that revelation instill in me?

That I should have no hate posts.

I know, there are many moments when the world don't seem to be fair, when the things happening at home, at work, at play, or anywhere else, when they don't go our way, and we don't like it, the fast and easy way of diffusing our anger, our angst, our pain, our frustration, is the internet, the blog! And what better way than to go to your room, shut the door, flick the switch on, and before you know it, you have spilled out yourself, your guts, all over the internet, through your blog.

And posts like this, after a few days, when you have gathered your wits, when the head is cooler, when the pieces are better fitted together, lo and behold, when you read your own blog, your posts, you can't take it in! And you feel so ashamed… of your blog, or yourself, of the world…

So I made it a point from the start that I should save myself from this damning experience, from this mournful event, and that I should have 'clean blog', so that anytime I look back at it, and anybody who find it, dig it, stumble upon it, will not find anything that will make them immediately leave and not want to come back, and tell friends to beware, lest they fall a victim of one hate blog – NO, I have made it a point to save my blog from hate posts.

May it remain till I'm done blogging… by then I will not have to answer to my Lord about one blog that didn't manifest a changed life, proclaiming instead the goodness and love of my God.

May my blog serve its purpose: real, sincere, relevant, beneficial.

Till then.

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